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Enable HexEvade:
Enable HexEvade On/Off: Enable or disable the HexEvade feature, which helps you evade enemy abilities.
Dodge Skillshots:
Dodge Skillshots On/Off: When enabled your champion will attempt to dodge incoming skillshots from enemies.
Dodge Skillshots Keybind [K]: You can set a specific key bind to toggle Evade On/Off
Dodge Only Dangerous:
Dodge Skillshots On/Off: When enabled your champion will attempt to dodge incoming skillshots from enemies.
Dodge Skillshots Keybind [K]: You can set a specific key bind to toggle Evade On/Off
Dodge FOW Skillshots:
Dodge FOW Skillshots On/Off: Enabling this option allows your champion to dodge skillshots even when they are launched from the fog of war, where you cannot see the enemy.
Dodge Circular Skillshots:
Dodge Circular Skillshots On/Off: Enables your champion to dodge circular-shaped skillshots launched by enemies.
List Enemy-Spells:
Dodge Spell On/Off: Enable or disable dodging.
Draw Spell On/Off: Enable or disable drawing the spell's indicator on your screen.
Force Fast Evade On/Off: When enabled, your champion will attempt to dodge the ability quickly.
Reaction Time (0.00 - 300.00): Set the desired reaction time in milliseconds for evading the spell.
Spell Radius (230.00 - 430.00): Adjust the radius of the spell to ensure accurate evasion.
Dodge Only Below HP % : Specify the percentage of health below which your champion should evade the ability.
Use Spells to Dodge:
Use Evade Spells On/Off: When enabled, your champion will use their own abilities to evade enemy attacks.
Use Evade Spells Keybind [K]: Set a specific key (e.g., "K") as the keybind to trigger the use of evade spells.
Settings: This submenu allows customization of champion-specific abilities for evasion purposes.
Use Spell On/Off: Enable or disable using Yasuo's Sweeping Blade for evasion.
Danger Level (Low, Normal, High, Extreme): Set the danger level at which you want the enemy champion's ability to be evaded.
Key Settings:
Enable Dodge Only Dangerous On/Off: Toggle the feature to dodge only dangerous abilities.
Dodge Only Dangerous Key [Space]: Assign a specific key (e.g., "Space") to quickly activate the dodge only dangerous feature.
Dodge Only Dangerous Key 2 [V]: Assign an additional key (e.g., "V") to activate the dodge only dangerous feature.
Enable Dodge Only On Combo Key On/Off: Enable or disable the feature to dodge abilities only when the combo key is pressed.
Dodge Only Combo Key [Space]: Set a specific key (e.g. "Space") as the combo key for triggering ability dodging.
Enable Dont Dodge Key On/Off: Enable or disable the feature to prevent dodging on a specific key press.
Don't Dodge Key [Z]: Assign a specific key (e.g., "Z") as the key to prevent dodging.
Misc Settings:
Enhanced Dodge Precision On/Off: Toggle the feature to enhance the precision of your champion's evasion.
Recalculate Path On/Off: When enabled, the path of your champion will be recalculated during evasion to ensure better positioning.
Continue Last Movement On/Off: Enable or disable the option to continue the last movement direction while evading.
Calculate Windup Delay On/Off: Toggle the calculation of windup delay during evasion for more accurate movement.
Check Spell Collision On/Off: Enable or disable the detection of spell collision during evasion.
Prevent Dodging Under Tower On/Off: When enabled, your champion will avoid evading near enemy towers.
Prevent Dodging Near Enemies On/Off: Enable or disable the feature to prevent evasion when enemies are nearby.
Advanced Spell Detection On/Off: Toggle the advanced spell detection feature for more accurate evasion.
Humanizer: This submenu contains settings to humanize your evasion behavior.
Click Only Once On/Off: When enabled, your champion will click only once during evasion.
Extended Evade On/Off: Enable or disable the extended evasion feature for more effective dodging.
Tick Limiter (0.00 - 500.00): Adjust the tick limiter value to control the frequency of evasion calculations.
Spell Detection Time (0.00 - 1000.00): Set the spell detection time in milliseconds for improved evasion.
Dodge Interval (0.00 - 2000.00): Specify the dodge interval time in milliseconds for more efficient evasion.
Fast Evade: Customize settings for fast evasion.
Fast Movement Block On/Off: Toggle the feature to block fast movements during evasion.
FastEvade Activation Time (0.00 - 500.00): Set the activation time in milliseconds for fast evasion.
Spell Activation Time (0.00 - 1000.00): Set the spell activation time in milliseconds for faster evasion.
Collision Distance Buffer (0.00 - 100.00): Adjust the collision distance buffer to improve evasion accuracy.
Extra Buffers: Fine-tune additional buffers for evasion.
Extra Ping Buffer (0.00 - 200.00): Set an extra buffer value to account for network latency during evasion.
Extra Collision Distance (0.00 - 150.00): Configure an additional collision distance buffer for more precise evasion.
Extra Spell Radius (0.00 - 100.00): Specify an extra radius buffer to account for spell hitboxes during evasion.
Extra Evade Distance (0.00 - 300.00): Adjust an extra evade distance buffer for better positioning during evasion.
Extra Avoid Distance (0.00 - 300.00): Set an extra avoid distance buffer to maintain a safer distance from enemies during evasion.
Min Distance to Champion (0.00 - 1000.00): Set the minimum distance to an enemy champion for evasion purposes.
Evade Mode: (Smooth, VerySmooth, Fastest, Hawk, Kurisu, GuessWho)
Select the desired evasion mode, each offering different evasion styles.
Reset Evade Config: Reset the evasion configuration to default settings.
Draw Skillshots On/Off: Enable or disable the drawing of skillshots on your screen for better visibility.
Show Evade Status On/Off: Toggle the display of evade status indicators on your screen.
Draw Spell Position On/Off: Enable or disable drawing the positions of spells for better awareness.
Draw Evade Position On/Off: Toggle the drawing of evade positions to visualize your champion's movement during evasion.
Danger Level Drawings: Customize the drawing settings based on danger levels.
Low Drawing: Configure the drawing settings for low danger level indicators.
Normal Drawing: Configure the drawing settings for normal danger level indicators.
High Drawing: Configure the drawing settings for high danger level indicators.
Extreme Drawing: Configure the drawing settings for extreme danger level indicators.
Pred Type:
Choose between Hex Prediction or Standard Prediction for more accurate spell prediction.
Prediction Settings:
Fine-tune the prediction settings for better accuracy.
Analysis Hitchance:
Enable or disable hit chance analysis for spell prediction.
Dodge FOW Skillshots:
Dodge FOW Skillshots On/Off: Enabling this option allows your champion to dodge skillshots even when they are launched from the fog of war, where you cannot see the enemy.
Check HitChance with Enemy AA:
Dodge Circular Skillshots On/Off: Enables your champion to dodge circular-shaped skillshots launched by enemies.
ExtraTimeCheck HitChance with AA:
Set the extra time in milliseconds for hit chance checks with auto-attacks.
Check HitChance with enemy QWER:
Enable or disable hit chance check with enemy QWER abilities for better prediction.
ExtraTimeCheck HitChance with QWER: Set the extra time in milliseconds for hit chance check with QWER abilities.
Max Range %: Adjust the maximum range percentage for prediction.
Prediction Delay: Set the prediction delay in milliseconds for improved accuracy.
ExtraRadius check Collision: Configure an extra radius for collision checking during prediction.
Customize the visual aspects related to orbwalking.
Auto Attack Range: Enable or disable drawing the auto-attack range on your screen.
Enemies Auto-Attack Range: Toggle the drawing of enemies' auto-attack range for better awareness.
Last Hit Helper: Enable or disable the last hit helper feature.
Configure advanced orbwalking settings for more efficient gameplay.
Fine-tune the prediction settings for better accuracy.
No LastHit: Toggle the feature to not attempt last-hitting minions.
Prioritize Farm: Enable or disable prioritizing farming over other actions.
Jungle Clear Small First: Configure whether to clear small jungle camps first during jungle farming.
Auto Attack Ward/Trap: Enable or disable automatically attacking wards or traps.
Auto Attack Gangplank Barrel: Toggle the feature to auto-attack Gangplank's barrels.
Focus Minions Over Objectives: Set whether to prioritize minions over objectives.
Alternative LastHit Logic: Enable or disable alternative logic for last-hitting minions.
AA Cancel When Need Using Skill: Configure whether to cancel auto-attacks when using skills.
Delay: Fine-tune various delay settings for orbwalking.
ExtraWindup: Set the extra windup delay in milliseconds.
LastHitTimer: Adjust the last hit timer delay in milliseconds.
Attack before Can Attack: Specify the delay for attacking before the champion can actually attack.
Farm Delay: Set the delay in milliseconds for farming actions.
Time Wait To Kill Minion: Set the waiting time in milliseconds to kill minions​​
Key Bindings:
Change key binds to your preferred keys to change:
Combo Key (SPACEBAR)
LastHit Key (X)
Harass Key (C)
Laneclear Key (V)
Target Selector
Tart Selector
Focus Target Mode:
Choose the focus target mode for more efficient targeting.
Do Not Select Targets Manually: Enable or disable drawing the auto-attack range on your screen.
Attack Only Selected Target: Your champion attacks only the target manually selected.
Attack Selected Target in AA Range: Attacks the selected target if it is within auto-attack range.
No Attack Invulnerable Target: Toggle the feature to not attack invulnerable targets.
Mode: Select the target selection mode based on specific criteria.
AutoPriority: Automatically prioritize targets based on certain factors.
LowHP: Prioritize targets with low health.
MostAD: Prioritize targets with the highest attack damage.
MostAP: Prioritize targets with the highest ability power.
LessAttack: Prioritize targets with fewer attack actions.
LessCast: Prioritize targets with fewer cast actions.
Closest: Prioritize the target closest to your champion.
NearMouse: Prioritize targets based on proximity to the mouse cursor.
[Low Priority 1 - 5 High Priority]: Customize targeting settings for specific enemy champions.​​
Disable Msg Chat:
Enable or disable the display of chat messages.
Move Follow Cursor:
Configure whether your champion moves following the cursor position.​​​​
No AutoAttack When Combo:
Toggle the feature to disable auto-attacks during combo actions.
No AutoAttack When Harass (C):
Disable auto-attacks when harassing enemies.
No AutoAttack When Harass (V):
Prevent auto-attacks during lane clearing.
Drawing All:
Toggle the drawing of all elements on your screen.
Circle Settings:
Circle Settings: Customize the settings for drawing circles on your screen.
Do Not Use Gradient Circle: Enable or disable the use of gradient circles.
Circle Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the circles.
Gradient Speed: Set the speed of the gradient effect on the circles.
Circle Gradient Color: Choose a color range for the gradient effect on the circles.​​​​
Text Settings:
Text Size: Adjust the size of the drawn text.
Arrow Settings:
Use Arrow On Hero: Enable or disable the display of arrows on your champion.
Arrow Size: Adjust the size of the arrows.
Arrow Orientation: The different positions that the arrow points towards.
Arrow Type: A selection of arrow designs to choose from.
Slight Ward - Trap Tracker:
Enable or disable the tracker for sight wards and traps.​​
Control Ward - Blue Farsight Tracker:
Enable or disable the tracker for control wards and blue farsight trinkets.
Gank Tracker:
Gank Tracker On/Off: Enable or disable the tracker for enemy ganks.
Draw Line to Ally On/Off: Toggle the drawing of lines connecting to allies during ganks.
Draw All Enemy Data:
Draw All Enemy Data On/Off: Enable or disable the drawing of information related to all enemy champions.
Enemy Move Point Tracker:
Toggle the tracker for enemy movement points.
Enemy & Ally Turret Range:
Enable or disable the drawing of enemy and ally turret ranges.
Recall Tracker:
Enable or disable the tracker for enemy recalls.​​
Enemy Q-W-E-R Cooldown Tracker:
Track enemy cooldowns for all abilities. This is only available in our Cado V2 version.
Enemy D-F Cooldown Tracker:
Tracks enemy summoner spells. This is only available in our Cado V2 version.
Jungle Time Tracker:
Enable or disable the tracker for jungle camp respawns.
Draw Clone Hero:
Toggle the drawing of cloned champions, such as Shaco's clone.
Draw Mini Map Tracker:
Enable or disable the drawing of indicators on the minimap.
My Hero:​
Draw Q Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for your champion's Q ability.
Draw W Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for your champion's W ability.
Draw E Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for your champion's E ability.
Draw R Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for your champion's R ability.
My Hero:
Draw Q Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for enemy champion's Q ability.
Draw W Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for enemy champion's W ability.
Draw E Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for enemy champion's E ability.
Draw R Range: Toggle the drawing of the range indicator for enemy champion's R ability.
Stop Activator:
Toggle the overall activation of activator features.
Auto Ward:
Enable or disable automatic warding.​​​​
Activator Options:
Auto Summoner Heal: Configure settings for auto-activating summoner heal.
Auto Potion & Biscuit: Customize settings for auto-activating potions or biscuits.
Auto Solari: Customize settings for auto-activating the Locket of the Iron Solari item.
Auto Zhonya's: Configure settings for auto-activating the Zhonya's Hourglass item.
Auto Redemption: Customize settings for auto-activating the Redemption item.
Auto Ignite: Configure settings for auto-activating the Ignite summoner spell.
Auto Exhaust: Configure settings for auto-activating the Exhaust summoner spell.
Auto Cleanse/Quicksilver/Mercurial/Mikael: Configure settings for auto-activating cleanse, Quicksilver Sash, Mercurial Scimitar, or Mikael's Crucible.
Auto Galeforce: Configure settings for auto-activating the Galeforce item.
Auto Stridebreaker: Configure settings for auto-activating the Stridebreaker item.
Auto Goredrinker: Configure settings for auto-activating the Goredrinker item.
Auto Hextech items: Toggle the auto-activation of Hextech items.
Auto Everfrost items: Toggle the auto-activation of Everfrost items.
Auto Prowlerclaw: Configure settings for auto-activating the Prowler's Claw item.
Auto Rauduin: Configure settings for auto-activating the Randuin's Omen item.
Choose your preferred language for the menu.
Menu Color Options:
Customize the color options for the menu​​​​​
Delay Settings
Delay Settings
All Delay Settings:
Delay AA: Set the delay in milliseconds for auto-attacks.
Delay Moving: Set the delay in milliseconds for movement actions.
Delay Cast Q: Set the delay in milliseconds for casting Q abilities.
Delay Cast W: Set the delay in milliseconds for casting W abilities.
Delay Cast E: Set the delay in milliseconds for casting E abilities.
Delay Cast R: Set the delay in milliseconds for casting R abilities.​
Champion Settings
Champion Settings
All Champion Settings:
Setting Combo: Configure settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED) combo actions.
Setting Harass: Configure settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED) harass actions.
Setting LaneClear: Configure settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED) lane clearing actions.
Setting JungleClear: Configure settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED) jungle clearing actions.​
Setting KillSteal: Configure settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED) kill steal actions.
Misc: Miscellaneous settings for (CURRENT CHAMPION LOADED)
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